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SQL MCY H91 Show Header Sam Ash

Sam the eccentric, charitable, self-proclaimed part-time male model and loveable larrikin, enjoys everything Sunshine Coast.

On the weekend, you’ll find him under the sea cleaning up our amazing reefs. When his not getting sweaty on the volleyball court, he’s hanging out with his amazing daughter Poppy – the apple of his eye.

Sam’s part-time acting career has seen him in some big movies but his greatest acting achievement is being friends with Tara Reid. (Even if, she did give him the wrong mobile number.)

Ash is a proud local, born and bred here on the Sunny Coast. Ash grew up as a part-time avocado farmer and in her early teens discovered swimming.

An absolute natural, she rose to prominence as a breaststroker and just missed out on the London Olympics. Ash is a new mum of magical baby Milla and loves nothing more than catching up with friends over a glass of rosè or a cheeky feed at the surf club.

A sports fan, fierce competitor, and devoted friend Ash is often referred to by her mate and co-host Sam as ‘sunshine in a bottle’.

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